Who am I?
I am a creative pattern obsessed graphic designer, illustrator and art director – based in Gothenburg, Sweden. I am a creative dreamer who wants to make the world a more lovely place with fonts & colors. Cheesy? Maybe! But let's admit it, we are all cheesy in our own way. I'm a sucker for loving yourself first, stunning nature, routines & licorice.
In my spare time I run the Instagram account @highlysensitive_person, where I shine light on being highly sensitive (HSP) and help other sensitive souls embrace their sensitivity and live a wholehearted life.
Something you didn't know about me: at the age of ten,
I was the voice of Storasyster in a Swedish children's program called Storasyster & Lillebror.

2019-Now I Manifest PR, PR consultant (social media manager)
2019-Now I Studio Sensitive, Founder & Highly Sensitive Mentor
2018-2019 I The Folklore Company, Art Director
2018 I Manifest PR, PR consultant Intern
2018 I Dear Friends, Art Director Intern
2016 I Saron Second Hand, Visual Merchandiser Intern
2016 I SVT På Spåret, Props Intern
2015 I Lagerhaus, Visual Merchandiser Intern
2014 I Hemtex, Visual Merchandiser Intern
2012-2013 I Emmaus Björkå, Store clerk
2009-2012 I Göteborgs stad, Preeschool substitute
2021 I Life Coaching Certificate Course, The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology (Udemy)
2017-2018 I Art Director, Yrgo Göteborg
2014-2016 I Visual Merchandiser, Handelshögskolan
2013 I Design för det goda livet (course), Borås Högskola
2004-2007 I Teknik/samhälle, YTC/Lindholmens Gymnasium